DesiFakes is a community of porn fans, by porn fans, for porn fans.We're pleased you're here, and hope you enjoy our forum. As a member you are a part of our community, and we encourage you to take part in the conversations, debates, and share what you want to share (within Posting Rules). However, we ask that all members treat each other with respect at all times. As we do promote a fun and light atmosphere, good-natured teasing and joking is absolutely allowed and even encouraged.
Anyone who unreasonably disrupts our community will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including being permanently banned. Behavior - ANYONE engaging in flaming, vicious character attacks, racial insults, religious insults, sexual preference insults, or general wholesale nastyness will be dealt with swiftly and severely. ALL are welcome here. Hate and Prejudice will absolutely not be tolerated in any form. Multiple Accounts - Members may not have multiple usernames/accounts. Such actions may(will) result in your being banned from the forum. Impersonations - Members are not permitted to impersonate anyone such as a celebrity, model, porn star, etc.