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Suggestion Complaints and suggestions

Please let me know or help edit my thread and the type. I have been asking around with no help so far.
Respected Desifakes I am your big fan daily view all fakes thanks to all please my id meena049 now Account Restricted (Spam) please my acount do not spam and daily 10 comment allowed please kindly do the needful thanks waiting
respected desifakes please solve problem waiting thanks more times
Those who are using bad words in this df they had to be given warning because I see that teen fakes posted here by mistake are spoken very badly by the other user give warning for both of them those who post as well as those who scold
Hello @desifakes I have a suggestion, I saw that number of guests visitors are more than number of actual member can make a system in a that only 10 Fakes a day can be seen by a guest members with a device, if you do so than number of members will start increasing than usual and fakers will get more likes, comments and followers.??
There are lot of threads which are not visible. Due to which we miss out on quality fakes. Please I request admins to solve this problem and if feasible ask fakers to re-upload their workss
These images are lost due to old image host issue. You can ask the fakers to re-upload them